A one-step, non-bulky recovery essential for swelling, sensitivity, scarring and tenderness (0-6mos)
Incision Care is designed to:
Address scar symptoms
Reduce swelling
Promote comfort
Provide incision area support and body shaping
You’ll like Incision Care if:
You are within 4-6 months of delivery and you heal well.
If you are prone to keloids or hypertrophic scarring and are within 1 year of surgery.
Your scar is still developing, raised, red, ithchy, sore or sensitive.
You still remember you had surgery even if it isn’t until the end of the day!
You still have puffiness or swelling broadly around the incision
Interior silicone scar management panel made with Silon-TEX.
Lightweight MILD & MODERATE compression panel
Designed by a two-time C-section mom and surgeon team to consider both clinical recovery factors and what C-moms want. C-Panty is seamless, washable and made in the USA.
An added bonus of the compression panel to control swelling is that C-Panty helps to provide a little post-baby shaping and hold down that pesky little C-bulge.
A fluted waist to avoid the discomfort of elastic panty waistbands. No more digging in waistbands or big-ole panties! Yes, C-moms, you can toss out the giant mesh panties!
An interior silicone panel localized to the C-section incision. Silicone increases the moisture content of the area and addresses scar formation issues such as scar appearance, size and symptoms.
A gentle compression panel to address swelling and support the incision area. Support and edema control mean increased comfort!
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